Gal of Galaxia

___Pop meets Fantasy

Mit GAL OF GALAXIA – dem Soundtrack zur Galaxia-Serie – erfährt die Macht der Worte eine neue Dimension. Dramatisch inszenierte Balladen, hymnische Refrains und groovige Bassläufe entführen dich in eine andere Wirklichkeit. Die Songs tauchen tief in die Gedankenwelt der Figuren ein und erwecken ihre inneren Stimmen zum Leben 🖤

___Immortal Love [Lyrics]

lights are fading,
I can’t help falling apart.

There’s no fear in-
side my mind, I
feel the beat of your heart.

In my soul a flame is burning –
it’s the flame of your love.
It needs no oxygen to feed it –
it only needs your touch.

Immortal love, they say, is so bright and divine.
Maybe it’s strong enough to save this heart of mine.
Cursed the day we sep’rated in all eternity.
Maybe immortal love is more than theory!

Visions of the
things that happened
are in my memory.

From the distance
I see clearly:
you’re the best part of me!

Neverending nightmares force me
to regret what I’ve done.
Maybe one day I’ll find peace and
fall into oblivion.

Immortal love, I guess, is quite special and strong.
No matter where I am, I know where I belong.
Immortal love is a flame that never goes out.
It has its place inside your heart, there is no doubt.

Hold on tight, don’t let go!
For love we all must strive.
Immortal love, you know,

[Copyright © 2021 Christiane Schick]

___That’s what love is all about

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